《未知死亡 原版》2022高清下载

  • 电影别名:未知死亡之南印度版
  • 导演:A.R.Murugadoss
  • 演员:SuryaSivakumar
  • 类型:剧情动作爱情悬疑惊悚
  • 国家:印度
  • 语言:Tamil 、Telugu
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 豆瓣评分:5
主演:Surya Sivakumar导演:A.R. Murugadoss言语:Tamil / Telugu 区域: 印度 编剧:A.R. Murugadoss典型:剧情 / 举措 / 恋爱 / 悬疑 / 惊悚上映时候:2005-09-29又名:未知殒命之南印度版用户标签:印度,恋爱,举措,复仇,悬疑,印度片子,惊悚,片子片长:imdb编号:tt0449951Sanjay Ramasamy is a rich tycoon suffering from short term memory loss due to being hit by a metal pole when trying to intervene on his girlfriend`s murder. Because of the severe injury on his head, his memory can only last for fifteen minutes and he doesn`t remember events or incidents that have happened before in his life. He can now only live a comprehendable life by tattooing notes on himself and taking pictures of things with a Polaroid camera to remind himself of the incidents that have happened. His story in unraveled by a police officer who is hunting him due to several murders he has committed while trying to find his girlfriend`s murderer through his diary. His story has also piqued the interest of a medical college student, Chitra who is searching for a patient with an `interesting` record for her college project. Chitra comes to know about Sanjay`s love with Kalpana a model cum activist. When her activist work for children comes in the way of child racketeers, she is killed by Lakshman when she intervened with his plan of kidnapping 25 young girls to Calcutta. So, with the help of Chitra, Sanjay sets out on a revenge spree, searching for the murderer of the one love of his life. Written by SoMeOnE
《未知死亡 原版》电影评论
  • 2022-11-22 脚本一流,08翻拍版以至连分镜细节都没怎么样改。但从服化道看,拍摄时分感受和08版差了13年而不是3年。几首音乐也远不如08版出彩。男主自己因而颜值不错,然则气质和演技残缺比只不过阿米尔汗,加上梳妆土头土脑要么一色毛衣要么大领衬衫,险些是最大的短板。女二这个腰快比我还粗了,莫非还跳肚皮舞。。。。短板二号。
  • 2022-11-19 05版和08版才差三年,但是里面的背景、梳妆、道具感受差了十三年!男主高富帅阶段外型气质确切比不上可爱的小短腿呀!看来,大牌便是大牌,剧组有了大牌才敢可劲的费钱吧,哈哈!
  • 2022-11-18 因而这部是原版,女主反派大佬警员等重要演员也残缺同样,然则别的脚色配乐配音化装感受都没有米叔08版的好,可以或许先入为主的缘故原由,3.5分
  • 2022-11-12 群体感受不错,与08版比,着末复仇的排场解决得更好,特别是男主同反派双胞胎斗殴,很安抚。但如故感受过长。
  • 2022-10-23 刚看到一个导演竟同样情节3年内拍了两次,还统一女主。。。对于印度,除了汗青,对此外愈来愈取得意见意义
  • 2022-10-22 这部影戏说是动作片,其实是恋情片。三小时中有一个小时的歌舞,但某些点如故很戳中泪点。
  • 2022-10-21 淳厚的恋情 恋情的力气 比如天下没有那么多纷纷扰扰 是否是人们都市新福有数?