
  • 导演:凯文·麦克唐纳
  • 演员:鲍勃·马利
  • 类型:纪录片音乐
  • 国家:英国美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:144分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:6
主演:鲍勃·马利导演:凯文·麦克唐纳言语:英语 地域: 英国 / 美国 编剧:范例:纪录片 / 音乐上映时候:2012又名:用户标签:纪录片,音乐,BobMarley,列传,美国,reggae,2012,Marley片长:144分钟imdb编号:tt1183919Bob Marley loved women, football and marijuana and was a staunch supporter of the Rastafarian movement. But his first love was music, for this is what enabled him to escape a life of grinding poverty in the townships of Kingston. Together with his band ‘The Wailers’ this singer, guitarist and songwriter born to a British officer and a Jamaican woman in 1945 made reggae famous throughout the world, and his titles such as ‘No Woman, No Cry’, ‘I Shot the Sheriff’ and ‘Redemption Song’ have long since become anthems. The year 2011 marked the thirtieth anniversary of the king of reggae’s death.For this film Bob Marley’s family gave filmmaker Kevin Macdonald (LIFE IN A DAY) access to countless documents as well as interviewees. In MARLEY the Oscar-winning director of the documentary ONE DAY IN SEPTEMBER presents archive material, some of which has never been seen before; he also interviews Marley’s fellow musicians, friends, lovers and family members – including several of his twelve children and also his wife, Rita. We also see the man on stage in excerpts from his concerts. Marley’s music was also political, as is evidenced in his love for Africa and the attempt on his life that was made during a concert for peace held in Jamaica.第15届英国自力片子奖最佳纪录片(提名)
  • 2022-12-03 上乘的人物纪录片,Marley的音乐、立场、主意!Marley和Rita的女儿Cedella是几十个采访中独一一个对Marley有牢骚的人。。。不忠,忽视小孩,没有耐心,too competitive等等。然则影片的末尾,说到父亲的死,Cedella的心情让人疼爱~ 他的爱太大了one love, 他的爱是给每一个人的,不是给一个人的!!
  • 2022-12-02 1、what is to be must be 2、不是业余杀手吧?在牙买加确实是业余的了,他们看了许多影戏 3、和7个姑娘生了个足球队,真足球迷 4,穆加贝掌权津巴布韦和马利也无关,那时分还叫罗德西亚5,马利想看到人类大团结,我认为听马利的中国小粉愤们间或也使气如许,或者领略雪山狮子旗要炸吧,或者他们也认不出
  • 2022-11-13 客岁就开端各处找这影戏,厥后找到720P,下上去发明只需英文字幕,也看了上去~那个让我最爱的雷鬼俊杰的生平~那么多的传说,那么多的故事,都已成云烟,印象深化的依然末尾BOB临死前说的:我只需一个宿愿,那等于全世界的人们不论肤色不论人种,各人都快乐的在一起~轻易而又艰苦,这等于Bob Marley~
  • 2022-10-24 1、whatistobemustbe2、不是业余杀手吧?在牙买加确实是业余的了,他们看了许多影戏3、和7个姑娘生了个足球队,真足球迷4,穆加贝掌权津巴布韦和马利也无关,那时分还叫罗德西亚5,马利想看到人类大团结,我认为听马利的中国小粉愤们间或也使气如许,或者领略雪山狮子旗要炸吧,或者他们也认不出
  • 2022-10-23 开头的西藏旗子只让我认为与一切影戏不符以致坏了作风我不是五毛没事拿西藏说事儿的白人大多是被脑筋中的自在激情亲切搞得找不到北的丫除了所谓自在丫领略西藏在哪儿么丫领略拉萨满是四川人么藏人在寰球高福利国度骗吃骗喝骗住骗国籍的时分还能专门排汇采访呢比中国黑工站街女过的好多了
  • 2022-10-21 看完,心坎有一根刺——这位唱着“one love, one heart”的父亲,对自己的女儿说:“你不需要伴侣”。最真诚的传教士大概并且是对信奉猜忌最深的人,只不过他的自我拷问会更早、更盲目和严重。也想起接头切格瓦拉的话,他爱人类,但不并爱人。
  • 2022-10-18 2011年开端听雷鬼,就只听Bob Marley 。预先博尔特还不是牙买加的俊杰。终于看过纪录片才开端景仰那个音乐届的传说人物。为牙买加政治息争的极力。艺术家等于有何等不可为而为之的傻气。对牙买加男子粗壮的头发回戴绒线帽,印象深化。