
  • 电影别名:摇摆 、春色漾荡(台) 、Swung
  • 导演:ColinKennedy
  • 演员:伊丽莎白·麦戈文 、埃琳纳·安娜亚 、史蒂芬·克里 、大卫·艾略特 、OwenMcDonnell
  • 类型:剧情爱情
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:87分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:4
:David's life is on the slide: he's in the middle of a divorce| broke and 'can't get it up'. His girlfriend| Alice| is his rock| but the magazine she writes for is going down and the pressure is on to find a story. While job hunting online| David stumbles across the perfect antidote to his boredom: a 'Swingers' site. The resulting inbox of lewd invitations on the home-laptop justifiably upsets Alice| until she realises this could be just the 'story' she needs. The idea of uncovering the swinging scene causes quite a stir in Alice's office and| much to David's chagrin| she is urged to pursue the story. Their first reluctant foray is an hysterically low-rent initiation| however| an unexpected upturn for David's manhood is all the extra encouragement they need. As events accelerate beyond their control the once adoring couple become lost and fundamental questions are asked of their relationship and them as individuals. In darkness| touched by many others| they will have to find themselves...影视截图:
  • 2022-12-07 一最先这是让人渐渐学坏的片子,但着末那间黑房子里的画面却让人生厌,一个一个活在见不得光的事宜,男主的心思成绩是个最先但却家庭成绩是个败笔,女主着末看着镜子里的本人,抚摩有身的肚子,着末挑拣了分隔这个地方放下义务去寻觅本人的生活了,着实片子能够抵达4星的,但思惟的正能量改的幅度太大了,照常渐渐教导的比照好。
  • 2022-12-04 不知是女主易孕体质照常由于男主虽阳痿但精子无比生动凶猛,在短短十秒到一分多钟的时间里,女主居然有身了。片中处理不合的最好主意即是男女性生活谐和。男士们也别再做换妻好梦了,完当时迈不外这道坎的照常男士本人。男主因心理影响而无奈勃起,女主仍然义无返顾地爱他,也确实是一个愿打一个愿挨罢。
  • 2022-12-02 汉子由于休业,离异,被前妻厌弃无奈往常勃起,爱丽丝是爱他的,尽管挑拣了小孩,废弃了报道,汉子也是爱爱丽丝的,然则太不切实际,没有钱就去乡下种胡萝卜,真是太好笑她去的情欲趴体,根本没有光,隐藏在暗影里,但这个白头发的姑娘却由于这品种似的交际而找到了自我,如斯性交的利害只能本人评估
  • 2022-11-18 一个女记者为了极品报道,挑拣去休会群交,也是让人醉了。刚好她的炮友又是个勃起功效影响者,更满意不了她的生气希望与好奇心。欣然,满眼的赤身与多P也没法先进影片的逼格,仅仅能让人看到乱性的一壁罢了。
  • 2022-11-18 女主终究爱好谁人彻上彻下的卢瑟哪一部门?比照爱好的是Elena Anaya跟Elizabeth McGovern聊母女话题的那部门,Elizabeth蓦然就不幸了,又一会儿就规复从前了。
  • 2022-11-10 女主终究爱好谁人彻上彻下的卢瑟哪一部门?比照爱好的是ElenaAnaya跟ElizabethMcGovern聊母女话题的那部门,Elizabeth蓦然就不幸了,又一会儿就规复从前了。
  • 2022-10-26 女主居然老了,男主无意偶尔神似大表哥,唐家屯大奶奶欣喜表态,换伴好题材可剧情太苟且直叙swing仅做好奇装点,标准着实并不大还挺宛转,男女主客店那场戏明白很次要为啥不拍到里面去,