
  • 导演:GeoffreySmith
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语 、Ukrainian
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 豆瓣评分:3
主演:导演:Geoffrey Smith言语:英语 / Ukrainian 地域: 英国 编剧:典范:纪录片上映时候:2007-10-31又名:用户标签:纪录片,英国,医学,2007,英国大夫,Documentary,英国片子,Surgeon片长:imdb编号:tt1200060What is it like to have God like surgical powers, yet to struggle against your own humanity? What is it like to try and save a life, and yet to fail?Shot in a Ukrainian hospital full of desperate patients and makeshift equipment, The English Surgeon is an intimate portrait of brain surgeon Henry Marsh as he wrestles with the dilemmas of the doctor patient relationship. Its like selling your soul to the devil, but what can you do? My son had a brain tumour as a baby and I was desperate for someone to help me. I simply cant walk away from that need in othersHenrys own emotional journey to visit the mother of a young girl he tried to save years ago is intercut with the story of a poor young man called Marian. He is dying of a brain tumour said to be inoperable in Ukraine, but has come to Kiev hoping that Henry can save him. Henry believes he can, but only if Marian is awake throughout the entire operation. With an original soundtrack by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, The English Surgeon openly confronts moral and ethical issues which touch every one of us. And all in a country called the Ukraine which is struggling to do the same thing.
  • 2022-12-12 小本钱纪录片 像医生的vlog剪辑到里面去的。那个医生的书里就说本人不停处于anxious和brave之间 脾气孤介 义务投入 招致他的第一段婚姻27年此后中缀。每个病人都不一样 然则每个医生的脾气也很不一样吧。这段在乌克兰的影片里的是Henry一个人伶仃的身影 独在异域 面临别人的存亡
  • 2022-11-28 颠末一位英国脑内科医生在医疗前提绝对较差的乌克兰做脑肿瘤切除手术,带出了其为医的心路进程。而在医患关联激化的现今中国,媒体在声讨医疗事故的而且,是否是也应该更多主观地明晰和报告请示医生的生计义务及心声,援助建设医患之间本应有的信托?
  • 2022-11-24 我只能说太圆满了 细节的谋求 逻辑的过渡 平面的人品 人道 人命 道义 圆满!
  • 2022-11-14 乌克兰的溃烂,英国的发财糜掷,性命的珍爱,两个有知己的医生
  • 2022-11-09 何等仁慈自私的医生,一个值得让人敬重的职业。
  • 2022-11-05 一边查字典一边看,然则很值得
  • 2022-10-21 背景音乐几处很棒