
  • 电影别名:AttackoftheLederhosenZombies
  • 导演:DominikHartel
  • 演员:GabrielaMarcinkova 、劳里·卡尔弗特 、OscarDyekjærGiese 、PatriciaAulitzky 、卡尔·菲舍尔 、玛格丽特·提塞尔
  • 类型:喜剧恐怖
  • 国家:奥地利
  • 语言:德语英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:78分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:4
Steve, a former snowboarding star, ekes out a humiliating existence as an unnoticed freestyle entertainer in a run-down ski resort. When he finally decides to quit his job and move on to find his fortune elsewhere, Steve is tempted with an unexpected offer: to relive the glory days of his fame in a team of former extreme sports stars - which has been his dream for years. Steve has to decide whether to move on with his girlfriend or relive his old dreams without her. He tries to work it out, but the events soon overtake him. The owner of the ski resort, in an attempt to produce artificial snow at higher temperatures, unleashes an environmental disaster, turning the visiting tourists into a horde of bloodthirsty, folk music-loving après ski zombies! Soon the zombie hordes have overrun the resort and there is only one way out: Steve has to defeat the zombies using his skills as a freestyle snowboarder. The greatest stunt of his life could save them all...
  • 2014-07-06 集团感受这部影片依旧拍的挺不错的,因此故事架构上有些成绩,但创意挺好。外表那段在酒馆中让僵尸冷静下来的音乐两人的舞挺出彩的……僵尸片中的一朵很不错奇葩,一部颇有创意的神片,因此看上去有些紊乱……殒命之雪的奥地利版
  • 2014-03-31 顶呱呱,情节没情节故事没故事,血腥不血腥,古代演员用九十年代技艺拍了部二十一世纪的烂片。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,因此下从前就领略是烂片依旧智障看了,大妈撑起我的察看欲
  • 2002-12-20 德语区,雪山,滑雪,酒吧,丧尸。慢丧尸,轻松文娱类的,有血腥局部,但太贫瘠恐惊激化因素,营建是如今片子,不是那种超等小的?但特意之无聊。
  • 1990-01-07 僵尸小我私家中的知识分子,绝对的文艺小清爽,大局部吓人的场景都被我笑场,末端我莫非看完了,莫非看完了,然看完了,看完了,完了,了
  • 1981-02-27 片子创意4星,照像5星,故事3星,血腥4星,激动4星!7分僵尸片!请没看过和快进看完的逗逼不要乱评分!
  • 1978-04-28 滑雪加丧尸。导演力量都用在花式血腥屠杀上了,也没太大新意。丧尸爱好者看看可也。
  • 1973-03-29 一部大烂片,恶心至极。只不过瑞士风景不错,拿雪橇板切割丧尸也算丧尸片的创意