
  • 电影别名:미혹 、Teinelaps 、Mihok 、TheOtherChild 、L’altrobambino
  • 导演:KimJin-young
  • 演员:朴孝朱
  • 类型:剧情惊悚
  • 国家:韩国
  • 语言:韩语
  • 上映时间:2023-05-15
  • 片长:114分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:5
A chilling mystery thriller, blessed by stirring imagination and striking acting performances, especially by child actors. Among witty scares invented by the director herself, we get closer to untreatable true sins of the Catholic religion. Skilfully raised fantasies about exorcism, possession and resurrection slowly transform into breath-taking horror, which may not leave your thoughts for a long time after the screening.A devotedly faithful family mourns their elder son Han-byul. Both parents sincerely believe that it is the hand of good lord Jesus that tests them with painful suffering. The reverend advises adopting a child with special needs and sharing all the love they still have in their wounded hearts after the tragic accident. So the grieving parents embrace visually impaired charismatic Isaac, who quickly finds his place in their spacious two-storey house. The acutely sensitive boy counts that the kind family still consists of seven members, and witnesses how the crying Han-byul constantly visits them. Confused by incredible revelations, the mother starts to notice previously unseen guiding signs.Guilt confronts sanity. Grief transmits into fear. Doubts bring home obsession. New clues expose hurtful lies. Divine faith opens all gates to powerful devilish manipulations. The prolonged process of healing disperses into drowned secrets. How long can you believe something whispered by someone who is not entirely trustworthy? How far will a loving mother go to protect her adopted child who suddenly uncovers not-so-pleasant truths?源自:
  • 2023-05-13 一个领养了多个小孩的布道家庭,作为牧师的父亲并非至心信托主的据有,响应小孩的母亲被残疾任性的大男孩熬煎到身心俱疲,他们称这是主用考验在试炼他们,电影看一半以为是小孩为了养母的爱而作歹,结果是养母借小孩之手淹死了大男孩,韩星被推落水往常她差不多醒了,不过真正事发今后她对小孩的惭愧和爱让她自我麻木不肯招认,新领养的小孩是揭开实情的引子,末了砸死目击者锦绣(锦绣能看到幽魂也与她悬梁的母亲的死无关,他一直说女主可以清晰他能和他看到同样的工具是由于他清晰女主着实也是真凶,恶魔本就在他们心中)后睁开了所谓闭着的双眼,也就是说女主从一个原本甚么都看不到的仁慈母亲完全成为了一个能看到幽魂的杀人犯,打开了真正的恶魔之门,并以为这暗中才是主赐赉的机遇和启发。韩国这种宗教恐惧片太多了,也就那样,三颗星给小演员吧。
  • 2023-04-22 这终局是公理吗?夫君感受自我蒙蔽着,以天主的外貌支撑着那伪善的风采。一初步就以为大女儿有问题,的确有问题,但也像是为了妈妈不被所累,而害死了弟弟。妈妈也是对瘫痪的男孩所熬煎废弃了男孩。末了像是意会了决定不废弃任何一个家人。没有一个真正的仁慈人。
  • 2023-04-21 嗯……不要信托甚么票房黑马,以后没评分的片仍然别看恐惧的气氛和镜头少之又少,故事疲塌,想要讲的工具不明诚然,当恐惧片看的是无聊至极惟一get到的,可以,是 真正标榜凑近天主的人看不到实情,反而内心有恶魔的更鲜明现实?
  • 2023-04-19 真是忍着吐逆看完的。一家子没几个个别的。夫君信教信得笨拙如猪,当妈的是非不分疯疯癫癫,大女儿纯坏批,信教信到脑筋冒泡,还每天唱圣歌。恐惧吗?没以为,被呆子剧情恶心到了
  • 2023-04-10 我不以为这是好终局。一家贤人实际上全员善人。可是搞不鲜明想抒发甚么,好像只是在误会诚然很有味,但实际上前面并不有味了,以为外表所有人都该死的观众冷酷的看着屏幕
  • 2023-04-05 伪善的父亲,对男孩得到耐烦的母亲,宗教狂热的后辈们,生成恶魔眼的养子,这么多合在一起,却仍然有点平庸,宗教的内容着实可以或许再具体一些。
  • 2023-03-30 有点像《灵异女仆》的预设,辛勤育儿的母亲由于忽视,无心或纰漏得到了自己的小孩。细想来不是恐惧而是心伤。