
  • 导演:DaveMossop
  • 演员:EricHjorleifson 、MarkAbma 、ChrisRubens
  • 类型:纪录片运动
  • 国家:加拿大Canada
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:76分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:6
主演:Eric Hjorleifson / Mark Abma / Chris Rubens导演:Dave Mossop言语:英语 地域: 加拿大 Canada 编剧:典范:纪录片 / 勾当上映时分:2011又名:用户标签:纪录片,滑雪,极限勾当,班夫山地电影节,速率,美国,欣慰,Documentary片长:76分钟imdb编号:tt2137267◎导演Dave Mossop◎主演Mark AbmaEric HjorleifsonChris Rubens◎简介The time has come for a ski film that stands for something. Join us as we unite spectacular cinematography with creative cinematic language to fuse our passion for skiing with our potential to help the environment. In bringing the planet to life and drawing parallels between our daily existence, we find common ground between the global situation and the real individual. Epic natural cinematography, ground breaking skiing from Chile to Greenland, and an environmental engagement that creates an accessible identification point for the viewer, leaving them with an inspiring new perspective.Athletes: Mark Abma, Eric Hjorleifson, Chris Rubens, James Heim, Callum Pettit, JP Auclair, Mike Douglas, Kye Petersen, Rory Bushfield, Ingrid Backstrom, John Collison, Lynsey Dyer, Ian McIntosh, Chad Sayers, Matty Richard, Dana Flahr, Greg Hill, Cody Barnhill and more.Locations: Chile, Canada, Morocco, Greenland, Alaska, and beyond.
  • 2022-11-30 #每一个酷爱极限的人,基本上意志能够强盛到败北极为事情,心田能够娇嫩到亲吻大地草木的人。我想只用毅力、自由来刻画基本上不敷的,中转心底的肯定是对这天下深深的爱。
  • 2022-11-24 找了半年多终于找到了谁人片的片源并看完了它。虽是双板,但请准许我向宏大致敬!!!这是《翱翔的艺术》后,我看到的最棒的滑雪纪录片!!!
  • 2022-11-18 念叨极限流动和流动照相的极限。风景揭示片,除了风景不错外没有甚么特地的了。尚有对谁人老是不开头的扫尾扣分6
  • 2022-11-15 作为广告片来说真是下了血本了……画面很小气。就着乡村残雪滑雪那段太棒啦!!
  • 2022-11-12 特地像测试家里液晶显示器机能的旅游风景宣传片……元素浩大杂糅在一起。
  • 2022-11-02 本来纪录片能够何等拍!创意实足!种种国度,种种雪山,种种滑!
  • 2022-10-26 画面和音乐无可挑剔,只是底子没有故事务节,略有些枯燥。