
  • 导演:罗杰·斯波蒂伍德
  • 演员:斯托卡特·詹宁 、ShaneMeier 、温迪·古逊
  • 类型:剧情同性
  • 国家:美国加拿大
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:88分钟
主演:斯托卡特·詹宁 / Shane Meier / 温迪·古逊导演:罗杰·斯波蒂伍德言语:英语 地域: 美国 / 加拿大 编剧:John Wierick / Jacob Krueger典范:剧情 / 同性上映时候:2002-03-16别号:用户标签:美国,同道,着实故事改编,Gay,美国片子,同性,爱,2002片长:88分钟imdb编号:tt0267736这是部电视片子,影片依照美国怀俄明州的一个叫Laramie镇上发生的一件两个年青的异性恋男生杀戮一个年青的同性恋男生Matthew Shepard的着实案件而拍摄.一样反响谁人案件另有:同道青年杀人形态/THE LARAMIE PROJECTIn 1998, a young gay man by the name of Matthew Shepard was robbed, viciously beaten and left tied to a fence to die. Although he was soon found by the police and hospitalized, he soon expired. This film recounts the events after the conviction of the two men responsible for this hate motivated murder. Matthew`s parents, though satisfied by the conviction, are finding the sentencing phase of the trial more difficult. The parents initially want to request the death penalty for their son`s murderers, but the mother, Judy, starts to reconsider. As they struggle with their decision, they decide to reexamine the life of their son and rediscover his personality, his struggle to accept his homosexual sexual orientation as a natural part of his being and above all, his generous humanity to others. All of this leads the parents to appeal to the court the way their son would have wanted, not out of vengeance but to represent best of what their son was and the tragedy of his loss.
  • 2022-12-11 扫尾异性恋杀人犯的嘶吼宛然天国妖怪的奸笑。鲜活的性命在恐同憎恨之下化为一滩血迹。和若干catholic家庭差异(《天助鲍比》),马修占有撑持他的怙恃,底本这应该是如许侥幸的人一辈子。然而他人的歹意却将他置于死地。在马修被杀一年后,还有人拿这件事当做笑料,一言一语真是让人觉得一针针扎在心上。恶寒。“The world hurts you and you try to make it better.”
  • 2022-12-10 谁人故事和谁人天助鲍比有点近似,一对匹俦由于同性恋男孩的被杀,而后一步步地晓得和感触男孩的天下。。。同样是男孩的死才劈头的同感心,这一部经由过程一点一滴周到的倒叙回首,着末法庭部门父亲的台词也锋利美妙。因此感受比天助片深化动人得多,只怅然观影人不久。PS.这部的母亲脸看着有点人妖。。。
  • 2022-12-07 看了很让人心伤的一部片子,Matt终身都活力找到一个真正属于他自己的地点,谁人天下上依然有许多不美妙的事宜,依然有些人批准奴视与不公正的看待,但让人惊喜的一点是同性恋成绩此时曾经被冉冉的知道和接受了,当年美国那么严重的黑人奴视成绩也激化了许多,当然,咱们的天下依然有活力的
  • 2022-11-29 一个男人的鞋子有多闪亮,他的自负就有多强。他用一张讨人喜欢的男孩的脸,警醒了人们憎恨立功的攻克!
  • 2022-10-26 一晚上连着看两部Matthew Shepard真是架不住。
  • 2022-10-23 #video_comment