
  • 电影别名:思绪的速度 、未来时速
  • 导演:Evan
  • 演员:尼克·斯塔尔 、米亚·梅塞德斯 、塔恩·曼宁 、华莱士·肖恩 、Blair 、Erik 、Alan
  • 类型:惊悚
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 片长:94
  Joshua领有一个专门的本事,他能够读出别人的头脑。约书亚拉扎勒斯是一个寄养家庭长大的小孩,他拥有肉体感应的本事。他应用他的超本事帮忙当局。当局奉告他,他的肉体感应本事来自威德曼氏症的反作用,他最终会由于此病而肉体芜杂甚至殒命。可是一天,拉扎勒斯遇到了一位领有沟通本事的男子,这位男子却没有任何该病的征兆,拉扎勒斯因此鼓起勇气去戳穿当局的谎话。  Joshua Lazarus (Nick Stahl) is a scoper a telepath who can listen to people‘s thoughts. There are only a handful of scopers in the world. With proper training, a scoper can learn to control the voicecs. But the gift is deadly, a scoper goes insane by the age of 29. Joshua is 28.  Joshua and his mentor work with the government in exchange for a cure. While on a mission, Joshua meets an untrained scooper, Anna (Mia Maestro). Through their unique ability, they open up their minds to each other and quickly fall in love. But the government won‘t allow it. They plan to disappear and start a new life together, but are soon discovered and torn apart.  With the help of his childhood friend (Taryn Manning), Joshua is forced to discover the truth about his abilities and those around him.  