《音乐教师》2019高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:音乐教师 、ΔάσκαλοςΜουσικής
  • 导演:Sarthak
  • 演员:纳瓦祖丁·席迪圭 、Priyanka 、Manav
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:印度
  • 语言:印地语
  • 上映时间:2019-04-19
  • IMDB评分:6.6/10 from 29 users
  When a small town music teacher dealing with low self esteem and unforgiving social circumstances is compelled to give up all hopes of a reunion with a girl who once loved him, he tries to accept his fate with compromises, in every sphere of his existence. The girl is one of his estranged ex-students, who is now a singing star in the big city. But with the town coming alive with the rumors of the girl coming to the town for a big show, the music teacher begins to prepare for a crucial rendezvous with the girl in which he may lose everything that he has built in these years, including the people who have gone out of their way to bring some relief in his bitter existence.
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  • 2019-04-23 百翻:当一个小镇上的音乐先生面临自馁和不好宽恕的社会事情自愿废弃与一个基本上爱他的少女重聚的所有希望时,他试图在日子的每一个方面退让地接管自己的福气。那个少女是他疏远的前老师之一,今朝是大城市里的歌星。可是跟着小镇上传来少女来镇上参与大型演出的传言,音乐先生开端操办与少女的次要会见,在那里,他可以或许会取得他在这些年里所确立的所有,包孕那些为了在他痛苦的日子中给他带来一些脱节而不择手段的人们。