
  • 电影别名:来自黑暗 、在黑暗中
  • 导演:ConorMcMahon
  • 演员:NiamhAlgar 、StephenCromwell 、GedMurray
  • 类型:惊悚恐怖
  • 国家:爱尔兰
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:90
  • 豆瓣评分:4
Young couple get lost in the bog and encounter deadly night creature from the ancient past.Good, pure horror. Simple set up, no fancy backstory, and constant threat from the shadows with lots of setbacks for the heroine. Maybe a couple of questionable things in the final act - three sources of alcohol/kerosene? Jump scares were variable.One thing I loved about this was the dialogue between the couple in the car - authentic and amusing, really likable characters. Both parts well played, and later on the actress kept it natural, no exaggeration. One thing with Irish actors, though, is they sometimes rush their lines - I missed a few, but the pace and logic were good enough for me to carry on.The creature remained mysterious, which was good. Lots of different sources of light in the dark, but I didn`t really get the contrast. May be a digital thing. And the smashing of the headlights should have been more gory.Sound was well judged - in the opening sequence just wind and breath until the attack - and the music kept up the tension without overwhelming.
  • 2022-12-09 本片故事泛善可陈,然则好歹尚有两个看点,一是场景,一是拍照,可以或许从外与内两方面来说。先说景,外景是优美的人造面子,田舍小屋的外景幽暗怯弱,让人想起沟通《逃生》《恶灵附身》等游戏的场景规划。再说影,片尾的人造拍照面子如诗如画,一如国家地理的面子纪录片。而室内灯光不断处于猛烈的明暗相比之中,在一片乌黑之中,罕有的空费时日的光源跟着剧情的推进而不绝改换,先后有手机、冰箱、台灯、烛炬、车灯、磷寸、打火机等等,拍照在猛烈的明暗和光影的抵触转换之中建筑怯弱的气氛。尽如人意的是,特写适量,没有档次;晃镜过剩,除了让观者看不清,没有任何浸染,只是这不克不及怪拍照师,基本上导演的错。
  • 2022-12-09 整部影戏即是女主在跟一个人不人怪不怪的对象玩做迷藏,都不明了看甚么对象,女主演的却是蛮卖命,一下躲这一下躲那的,末端天亮了,影片连续了,导演你又拍不出黑暗侵袭的那种杰出激化感,搞甚么全片在黑暗中拍摄咯,的确是浪费时间……
  • 2022-11-30 女主你拿磷寸乱来谁呢,逗鬼玩呢,不断找亮逗鬼玩,惟恐他人不知道你在哪?我假设鬼我也操得很,全片最吓人即是断指,神演技呀,没觉着你疼,光觉着在演!
  • 2022-11-06 烂的几乎无奈容忍,胡扯淡的掉渣低利钱。车开到岔路口时,让我想起了《在胆小中》的一样场景。发起人人无须看了,浪费时间。
  • 2022-11-04 小利钱,每次到要害时辰镜头摇个不绝!故事也轻易同时良多细节间隙太多经不起思考。末端还来个命题:女主也快变吸血鬼了!
  • 2022-10-31 刚看过关灯后,一样是讲怕光的鬼。这个地方的女主男票比关灯后的男票弱智上万倍。男票见光后酿成土是个甚么鬼
  • 2022-10-22 低利钱怯弱片出彩就靠脚本和演员,成果本片是配乐拉了后腿,齐备没气氛,不然也能到中上程度。