
  • 电影别名:FrygteligLykkelig
  • 导演:HenrikRubenGenz
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:丹麦
  • 语言:丹麦语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:90 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:3
主演:导演:Henrik Ruben Genz言语:丹麦语 区域: 丹麦 编剧:亨里克·鲁本·甘茨 / Dunja Gry Jensen / Erlinga Jepsena范例:剧情上映时分:2008-07-05又名:Frygtelig Lykkelig用户标签:丹麦,丹麦影戏,彩色,2008,欧洲,剧情,HenrikRubenGenz,欧洲影戏片长:90 分钟imdb编号:tt1087890A Copenhagen policeman called Robert (the superb Jakob Cedergren, familiar from Dagur Karí’s film Dark Horse) moves to a provincial town, where he has been temporarily reassigned after a recent case of professional misconduct. Another lingering cloudy day comes to an end in South Jutland and the arrival of the young man from the big city is met by a look of curious satisfaction on the rigid faces of the local inhabitants. The constable, who does everything “by the book”, is soon confronted with the local customs and begins to sense that troubling secrets lurk behind the façade of what appears to be quite ordinary small-town life. Inspired by the novel by Erling Jepsen (who wrote the novel on which the successful film The Art of Crying is based), Genz’s grotesque drama, with its deviations into the crime, western and horror genres, is striking for its original stylisation and spellbinding evocation of the atmosphere pervading this disturbed community. “I wanted the film to be experienced as a nightmare in a surreal, parallel world, where things are fairly realistic, but everything is always shifting ever so slightly”, says the director of his film.
  • 2022-11-29 北欧总是有何等严峻的片子。这部片子让我想起了《征服者佩尔》和《白丝带》,惟一区别的是这两部能让我看到仁慈、公理的成功。影片讲述了一个还算耿直的警员奈何被罪状的自成执法与质量的小镇鲸吞的进程。影片结尾处镜头看似严峻,实则是阳光扑面隐藏着罪状的意味。小镇所有人基本让罪状发生的参与者,
  • 2022-11-28 还挺欣慰的片,根本猜不到故事停留。前半节拍特地慢而后猛然变得有意思了,配乐也很俏皮啊。想吐槽丹麦人脑洞大,可人家清晰是实在状况改编?尽管所有片都脏兮兮但雅各布穿制服超帅的……
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  • 2022-11-08 出格科恩兄弟的格调,但更黑白更晴朗.好片,情节很耐考虑.
  • 2022-10-22 同名小说改编。风趣的不知所云的片子、沟通Fargo。
  • 2022-10-19 终于在条目上找到了... 这片看上挺省力的.