
  • 导演:蒂姆·罗斯
  • 演员:艾德丽安·威尔金森 、沃尔特·凯尼格 、肖恩·杨 、ManuIntiraymi
  • 类型:动作科幻冒险
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 豆瓣评分:2
◎译名星际迷航:叛徒◎片名Star Trek: Renegades ◎年月2015◎国度美国◎种别行径/科幻/冒险◎言语英语◎字幕N/A◎IMDb评分 6.3/10 from 51 users ◎片长01:27:22◎导演蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Russ ◎主演艾德丽安·威尔金森 Adrienne Wilkinson ...Captain Lexxa Singh 沃尔特·凯尼格 Walter Koenig ...Admiral Chekov 肖恩·杨 Sean Young ...Dr. Lucien Manu Intiraymi ...Icheb Bruce A. Young ...Borrada Gary Graham ...Ragnar Edward Furlong ...Fixer Chasty Ballesteros ...Ronara Tim Russ ...Tuvok Courtney Peldon ...Shree Larissa Gomes ...T‘Leah Corin Nemec ...Captain Alvarez Robert Picardo ...Dr. Lewis Zimmerman Kevin Fry ...Jaro Ruk Rico E. Anderson ...Boras ◎简介It is nearly ten years after Voyager‘s return from the Delta Quadrant, and the Federation is in a crisis. The Federation‘s main suppliers of dilithium crystals are disappearing. Space and time have folded around several planets, effectively isolating them from any contact with outside worlds. And this phenomenon is not natural - someone or something is causing this to happen. This necessitates drastic measures; some of which are outside the Federation‘s normal jurisdiction. For this, Admiral Pavel Chekov, head of Starfleet Intelligence, turns to Commander Tuvok, Voyager‘s former security officer and current head of the newly reorganized Section 31. Tuvok must put together a new covert, renegade crew - mostly outcasts and rogues - even criminals. This new crew is tasked with finding out what is causing the folding of time and space, and stopping it - at all costs. But will they be able to put aside their differences and stop trying to kill one another in time to accomplish their ...
  • 2013-11-03 太好了!作为星际迷航影迷收费拍摄的非商业片,不亦乐乎难道如许业余,如许缜密。影片特意老实地持续了STARTREK的宇宙观和冒险肉体,配景既有极新元素又有一直的恢弘主题,而且有浩大元老级,复兴阶段及前期续集STARTREK中的演员团结涌现,更可赞的是,新染指的演员也很优质,带来令人劝慰的新鲜感。
  • 2003-10-31 极为下游的冒牌货。片名不如改为 Star Trek:imposter!
  • 1995-02-01 剧情演技都很差,终究在讲甚么故事?电脑特效看着等于同人x片的感受电脑特效倒没事,分分钟出戏
  • 1993-10-04 说实在的,星际迷航11与12,除了电脑特效,根底就贫乏全然的星际迷航世界观。
  • 1990-12-22 看后才体味这是粉丝之作。怪不得那么多战舰作战的镜头,我感到不错。
  • 1985-10-21 能看到好几个老演员如故挺好的,只是剧情和电脑特效确凿过不去…
  • 1984-03-23 作为一部粉丝剧如故可以或许了,肖恩·杨胖成谁人德行了莫非。