
  • 电影别名:酷儿同玩派 、又一部基片 、另一部同性电影
  • 导演:达里尔·斯蒂芬斯
  • 演员:MichaelCarbonaro 、约翰·布莱奇曼 、乔纳森·蔡斯 、MitchMorris 、阿什莉·阿特金森
  • 类型:喜剧同性
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:92 分钟
主演:Michael Carbonaro / 约翰·布莱奇曼 / 乔纳森·蔡斯 / Mitch Morris / 阿什莉·阿特金森导演:达里尔·斯蒂芬斯言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:达里尔·斯蒂芬斯典型:笑剧 / 同性上映时候:2006-04-28又名:酷儿同玩派 / 又一部基片 / 另一部同性片子用户标签:同道,笑剧,美国,Gay,芳华,同性,美国片子,同性恋片长:92 分钟imdb编号:tt0443431◎简介Andy是一个典型的17岁美国亲孩子,他是同性恋也照样处男,和其他人同样,他对性有着猎奇和活力。他的母亲老是不鲜亮厨房里的胡萝卜和黄瓜甚么原因稀里糊涂的消失了。Andy并非独自一人,他和其余三个好朋友一路上了高中,他们都极度豁达内向。Jarod是一个躯体健壮的青年。Griff极度性感。Nico是同性恋片子专家。这群本该纯确实高中生堕入了青年和成人之间的漩涡之中。他们有一个单干的躲藏:他们都照样处男。Muffler是一个极度吸引亲孩子子的18岁蜜斯。她是黉舍的啦啦队长而且有丰硕的性教训。小伙子们最后的时机来了,Muffler的毕业典礼聚会会议,但却甚么事都没孕育发生。因此他们商定在炎天陆续前举措。在炎天陆续时,小伙子们的生存将未来转变……在本片性和嬉闹的外貌掩饰之下,故事的切实主题是--友爱和纯确实失却。每位主人公各自记忆了他们从亲孩子到男人的路程。ANDY is your typical All-American eighteen-year-old gay virgin. Like everyone else, he`s dying to have sex. Totally out of the closet and mad-crazy horny, this naïve high school senior is caught in that awkward vortex between child and adult. Much to the dismay of his MOM (who wonders why all her carrots and cucumbers keep disappearing), Andy spends much of his private time practicing for the big moment when he`ll finally take the plunge.Andy is not alone. He attends high school with his three best friends, all of them totally out-loud-and-proud. JAROD is a buff varsity-jock stud. GRIFF is the class valedictorian and a closet romantic. NICO is the fabulous alternative-kid gay-cinema expert. The guys all have one thing in common - they`re all booty-virgins.MUFFLER, 18, the boys` bulldyke Casanova stud bud, delights in pointing this out. Muffler is a cheerleader-magnet with loads of sexual experience under her mullet. The final straw for the guys comes at Muffler`s graduation party, where everyone is having sex but them. That night they make a pact to do “the big A” by the end of the summer.What follows is a raunchy ride on the bumpy road to butt love. Along the way, the film spoofs not only teen movies like AMERICAN PIE and gay movies from TRICK, THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB, but also the entire gay lifestyle.After the end-of-summer blow-out bash at Muffler`s, the boys` lives (and asses) will never be the same…Will Andy decide he`s not ready for sex after all? Will Griff act on his raging crush for best friend Jarod? What is Nico doing with MUFFLER’S GRANDPA? Will Andy get that gerbil out of his ass? Each character experiences his own rite of passage on a journey that spans from boys to men.Beneath the film`s sex-romp exterior beats the true message of the story - GAY IS OKAY!!
  • 2022-12-10 记得往常是有看过的。来日诰日偶尔翻出,再看既然看出了差异的滋味。不论是不是主流文明,美国性文明可否何等open和无惧,既然基调决议了轻松文娱,稳当嵌入辅导说辞也是挺好的。致敬的几点更是此次看到里面去深意了:《魔女嘉莉》一个成魔一个倒是怯懦追爱,《十七岁的辅导》前母亲和亲孩子截然差异的辅导方法。
  • 2022-12-08 一部对于同道的喜剧片,内容极度富厚,险些评论了一切对于性的话题。比方身为同性恋的男主发觉本人父亲是双性恋。他和敌人一同实验性行为,又发觉性闭会并不是每次都那么美妙,终极依然完成了从亲孩子到男人的演化,还实验了多人性爱闭会等等,文娱搞笑的并且,背后的科普知识也值得进修。
  • 2022-11-30 怎么样说呢,就像是porn的净水部门同样的感受……就是说给人感受是奔着“主题”去的,然而到了主题却前功尽弃了……和演员的演技和pornStar的生涩程度不相手足(并且我以为Brent的演技还比他们强点儿……
  • 2022-11-22 基佬版《美国派》,满嘴火车,满屏性事,该露肉的露肉,不应露点的也露点了。看质感和四位主演的颜值的确有点像在拍GV,然而此中三位我以为都挺好的,横竖我可以或许。
  • 2022-10-22 +1.明确脑残,不明确这么脑残… 2.找遍了视频app果真依然在b站找到了~ 3.明丽高贵的诺顿叔你是什么原因!!
  • 2022-10-20 之前看就觉着Richard好眼生。。。你们看过幸存者么。。。另有啊诚然里边帅气的黑人小哥其实是导演是么!!!
  • 2022-10-15 蓝本筹办给两星的...然而前次被我姐在我MP4里看到还牢牢地看了老半天给你降一颗星╭(╯^╰)╮口享!!!